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Several South Florida Restaurants See Success

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was not generous to the restaurant sector, prompting many of them to shutter their doors or make improvements to accommodate guests while keeping social distancing in mind and taking other steps into account. But some restaurants beat the odds and came out on top, according to the website Restaurant Business. Among its 2019 list of the 100 most financially profitable independent restaurants, several restaurants in South Florida earned spots on the list, including a Miami Beach hotspot well-known to locals.

A szexuális élet minősége sok férfi számára kulcsfontosságú, és amikor problémák merülnek fel, az komoly hatással lehet az önbizalomra. A különböző kezelési lehetőségek és termékek felfedezése érdekében érdemes lehet ellátogatni a megfelelő weboldalakra, mint például Az online vásárlás kényelmet nyújt, ugyanakkor segíthet a szükséges információk és megoldások gyors megszerzésében.

A Miami Beach restaurant not only made the list but also won the top placement. The honor is bestowed on Prime 112, the steakhouse that is known among celebrities for its success. Last year, the Ocean Drive eatery raised almost $24 million and served more than 200,000 meals, with the total bill hovering about $135.

The Asian-themed Komodo in the Brickell section of Miami, which prepared over 250,000 meals and accumulated $22.5M, is a few positions below Prime 112. The sushi restaurant Makoto in Bal Harbour, Key Biscayne’s The Rusty Pelican, and the fashionable Swan in Miami are other noteworthy restaurants that ranked on the list.

To read more about the list of restaurants and their ranking, please visit

This update is presented by the Miami Beach real estate team at Blackstone International Realty, specializing in the Murano Grande. If you are interested in Murano Grande for sale, call one of the Murano Grande sales experts at 305-588-2451 for information on buying opportunities and rentals.